
Our Fellow Neighbors,

The Ben Hur Car Club is your local Car Club here in Montgomery County Indiana.  We have been serving and  assisting other non-profit organizations here in MoCo since 1968.   We need help to continue to serve our community while having enjoyable events each year for our towns and the people who live in them.   We are a Non-profit organization who is here to help our residents of our wonderful county. 

Therefore, the Ben Hur Car Club is looking for sponsors for our organization.  We have two major events each year that help raise money for our communities.  We will be hosting the Car Show at the Crawfordsville Strawberry Festival, and also the “Cruisin’ to the Inn” at Turkey Run State Park.  We are kindly seeking any kind of help that you or your business may want to provide, to include monetary donations, coupons, gift certificates, and more.  We understand costs of running businesses are high at this time but every little bit of help is appreciated.  If interested in what we may need assistance with, you can contact us via our email at.

Ben Hur Car Club will announce our sponsors on our website and Facebook Page and car show events, so show participants know who provided each material or monetary donation.   If you are interested in making donations or becoming a sponsor you may contact us at 765-366-7575 and ask for Al or Lisa, or email us at benhurcarclub@outlook.com.  Any checks or monetary donations may be made payable to “Ben Hur Car Club” and sent to P.O. Box 343, Crawfordsville, IN 47933

Again, thank you and we hope you will help us every year you can.